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Getting started with Armadillo

Date: 2019-09-22Last modified: 2025-01-12

According to the Armadillo site it is a high quality linear algebra library (matrix maths) for the C++ language, aiming towards a good balance between speed and ease of use.



apt install libarmadillo-dev


brew install armadillo

Sample code

Random matrix creation

  // set the seed to a random value

Warning about use of the auto C++11 keyword

I tried to use auto for matrix declaration but this lead me to a tricky error. The variable created by the keyword auto was a random matrix generator and not a matrix.

I expect to declare R, S and A as random initialized matrix:

  auto R = randu(2, 3);
  auto S = randu<mat>(2, 3);
  auto T = (mat)randu(2, 3);
  mat A = randu(2, 3);

  cout << "Lets check the types of each variable:\n";
  cout << "Type of R: " << typeid(R).name() << '\n';
  cout << "Type of S: " << typeid(S).name() << '\n';
  cout << "Type of T: " << typeid(T).name() << '\n';
  cout << "Type of A: " << typeid(A).name() << '\n';
  // Type of R: N4arma3GenINS_3MatIdEENS_9gen_randuEEE
  // Type of S: N4arma3GenINS_3MatIdEENS_9gen_randuEEE
  // Type of T: N4arma3MatIdEE
  // Type of A: N4arma3MatIdEE

Note the types are slightly different.

The A matrix presents the expected behavior, keeping the elements unchanged:

  cout << "A:\n" << A << '\n';
  cout << "A:\n" << A << '\n';
  cout << "A:\n" << A << '\n';
  // A:
  //    0.8512   0.8562   0.5564
  //    0.0223   0.1000   0.0846
  // A:
  //    0.8512   0.8562   0.5564
  //    0.0223   0.1000   0.0846
  // A:
  //    0.8512   0.8562   0.5564
  //    0.0223   0.1000   0.0846

However the R matrix generator return different values on each

  cout << "R:\n" << R << '\n';
  cout << "R:\n" << R << '\n';
  cout << "R:\n" << R << '\n';
  // R:
  //    0.0718   0.9256   0.4991
  //    0.7697   0.9635   0.8418
  // R:
  //    0.9830   0.7305   0.2061
  //    0.2162   0.9320   0.2274
  // R:
  //    0.7011   0.6158   0.8350
  //    0.6841   0.4025   0.0418

Transpose matrix

  cout << "A:\n" << A << '\n';
  cout << "A.t:\n" << A.t() << '\n';
  // A:
  //    0.8512   0.8562   0.5564
  //    0.0223   0.1000   0.0846
  // A.t:
  //    0.8512   0.0223
  //    0.8562   0.1000
  //    0.5564   0.0846


  cout << A.t() * A << '\n';
  //   0.7251   0.7311   0.4755
  //   0.7311   0.7431   0.4848
  //   0.4755   0.4848   0.3167


  mat B(3, 3, fill::randu);
  cout << "B:\n" << B << '\n';
  // B:
  //    0.9563   0.8955   0.0919
  //    0.3291   0.3086   0.3452
  //    0.1894   0.9898   0.8642

  cout << "Det: " << det(B) << '\n';
  // Det: -0.243228

  mat C = randu(3, 3);
  cout << "C:\n" << C << '\n';
  // C:
  //    0.5561   0.6219   0.2147
  //    0.3105   0.2813   0.9172
  //    0.3408   0.1925   0.4703
  cout << "Det: " << det(C) << '\n';
  // Det: -0.254525

  mat D = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {7, 8, 9}};
  cout << "D:\n" << D << '\n';
  // D:
  //    1.0000   2.0000   3.0000
  //    4.0000   5.0000   6.0000
  //    7.0000   8.0000   9.0000
  cout << "Det: " << det(D) << '\n';
  // Det: 6.66134e-16

Operation with rows and columns

  D.row(0) = D.row(1) + D.row(2);
  cout << "D:\n" << D << '\n';
  // D:
  // 11.0000   13.0000   15.0000
  //  4.0000    5.0000    6.0000
  //  7.0000    8.0000    9.0000

  D.row(1) = D.row(1) * 5;
  cout << "D:\n" << D << '\n';
  // D:
  // 11.0000   13.0000   15.0000
  // 20.0000   25.0000   30.0000
  //  7.0000    8.0000    9.0000

  cout << "D:\n" << D << '\n';
  // D:
  // 11.0000   13.0000   15.0000
  // 20.0000   25.0000   30.0000
  //       0         0         0

  D.col(2) = D.col(2) + 10;
  cout << "D:\n" << D << '\n';
  // D:
  // 11.0000   13.0000   25.0000
  // 20.0000   25.0000   40.0000
  //       0         0   10.0000

  D = diagmat(D);
  cout << "D:\n" << D << '\n';
  // D:
  // 11.0000         0         0
  //       0   25.0000         0
  //       0         0   10.0000

Save and load"D.bin");"D.txt", arma_ascii);
  // 3 3
  //    1.10000000000000e+01   0.00000000000000e+00   0.00000000000000e+00
  //    0.00000000000000e+00   2.50000000000000e+01   0.00000000000000e+00
  //    0.00000000000000e+00   0.00000000000000e+00   1.00000000000000e+01

  mat O = ones(2, 2);
  cout << "O:\n" << O << '\n';
  // O:
  // 1.0000   1.0000
  // 1.0000   1.0000

  auto Z = zeros(3, 5);
  cout << "Z:\n" << Z << '\n';
  // Z:
  // 0        0        0        0        0
  // 0        0        0        0        0
  // 0        0        0        0        0

  mat F1, F2;
  cout << "F1:\n" << F1 << '\n';
  // F1:
  // 11.0000         0         0
  //       0   25.0000         0
  //       0         0   10.000

  cout << "F1 - F1:\n" << F1 - F2 << '\n';
  // F1 - F2:
  // 0        0        0
  // 0        0        0
  // 0        0        0

  mat F(2, 3);
  cout << "F:\n" << F << '\n';
  // F:
  // 3.1400   3.1400   3.1400
  // 3.1400   3.1400   3.1400

  F = F.ones();
  F.col(0) *= datum::pi;
  F.col(1) *= datum::inf;
  F.col(2) *= datum::nan;
  cout << "F:\n" << F << '\n';
  // F:
  // 3.1416      inf      nan
  // 3.1416      inf      nan

Possible output

Lets check the types of each variable:
Type of R: N4arma3GenINS_3MatIdEENS_9gen_randuEEE
Type of S: N4arma3GenINS_3MatIdEENS_9gen_randuEEE
Type of T: N4arma3MatIdEE
Type of A: N4arma3MatIdEE
   0.6310   0.2291   0.0765
   0.3009   0.9423   0.9828

   0.6310   0.2291   0.0765
   0.3009   0.9423   0.9828

   0.6310   0.2291   0.0765
   0.3009   0.9423   0.9828

   0.6182   0.5614   0.2032
   0.9431   0.7587   0.0228

   0.8644   0.8380   0.4838
   0.2866   0.1582   0.4918

   0.8139   0.0478   0.9550
   0.9049   0.5196   0.8300

   0.6310   0.2291   0.0765
   0.3009   0.9423   0.9828

   0.6310   0.3009
   0.2291   0.9423
   0.0765   0.9828

   0.4888   0.4282   0.3441
   0.4282   0.9405   0.9437
   0.3441   0.9437   0.9718

   0.6141   0.9689   0.2669
   0.2267   0.0525   0.4769
   0.3370   0.9721   0.3793

Det: -0.145965
   0.2886   0.2254   0.5511
   0.1077   0.4531   0.2351
   0.9293   0.1972   0.1447

Det: -0.169076
   1.0000   2.0000   3.0000
   4.0000   5.0000   6.0000
   7.0000   8.0000   9.0000

Det: 6.66134e-16
   11.0000   13.0000   15.0000
    4.0000    5.0000    6.0000
    7.0000    8.0000    9.0000

   11.0000   13.0000   15.0000
   20.0000   25.0000   30.0000
    7.0000    8.0000    9.0000

   11.0000   13.0000   15.0000
   20.0000   25.0000   30.0000
         0         0         0

   11.0000   13.0000   25.0000
   20.0000   25.0000   40.0000
         0         0   10.0000

   11.0000         0         0
         0   25.0000         0
         0         0   10.0000

   1.0000   1.0000
   1.0000   1.0000

        0        0        0        0        0
        0        0        0        0        0
        0        0        0        0        0

   11.0000         0         0
         0   25.0000         0
         0         0   10.0000

F1 - F1:
        0        0        0
        0        0        0
        0        0        0

   3.1400   3.1400   3.1400
   3.1400   3.1400   3.1400

   3.1416      inf      nan
   3.1416      inf      nan


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