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Rust helloworld

Date: 2023-01-02Last modified: 2024-08-15

Table of contents

Installation on Debian 11

Install dependencies

sudo apt install curl build-essential gcc make -y

Install Rust

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Install code formatter

rustup component add rustfmt

Format code

cargo fmt
# or
# or
echo "fn     main() {}" | rustfmt
fn main() {
    // Indent four space by convention
    println!("Hello, rust!");
    //     ^ the ! indicates you are calling a macro instead a function

    let x = 10;
    // x = 20; // compilation error because x is immutable

    let mut y = 10;
    println!("x: {} y: {}", x, y);

    y = 20;
    println!("x: {} y: {}", x, y);

Possible output

Hello, rust!
x: 10 y: 10
x: 10 y: 20
