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Date: 2024-02-24Last modified: 2024-02-26


  ::: toc

Table of contents


Default title

  ::: fixme
  text text text
  text text text
  text text text
  blank line

Alternative title

  ::: fixme title="Alternative title"
  text text text
  text text text
  text text text
  blank line


Default title

  ::: warning
  text text text
  text text text
  text text text
  blank line

Alternative title

  ::: warning title="Alternative title"
  text text text
  text text text
  text text text
  blank line


Default title

  ::: tip
  text text text
  text text text
  text text text
  blank line

Alternative title

  ::: tip title="Alternative title"
  text text text
  text text text
  text text text
  blank line


Default title

  ::: info
  text text text
  text text text
  text text text
  blank line

Alternative title

  ::: info title="Alternative title"
  text text text
  text text text
  text text text
  blank line


Default title

  ::: note
  text text text
  text text text
  text text text
  blank line

Alternative title

  ::: note title="Alternative title"
  text text text
  text text text
  text text text
  blank line


  ::: youtube id="EsZFgm3wGOc" title="Why do we use CAN Communication? Advantages of CAN communication"


  ::: citation author="Jack Welch"
  Quando o ritmo de mudança dentro da empresa for ultrapassado pelo ritmo da
  mudança fora dela, o fim está próximo.

Quando o ritmo de mudança dentro da empresa for ultrapassado pelo ritmo da mudança fora dela, o fim está próximo.

<p class="text-right">
  <strong class="text-slate-200">Jack Welch</strong>

citation body

<p class="text-right">
  <strong class="text-slate-200">Author</strong>

Quando o ritmo de mudança dentro da empresa for ultrapassado pelo ritmo da mudança fora dela, o fim está próximo.

<p class="text-right">
  <strong class="text-slate-200">Jack Welch</strong>
  ::: citation author="Bjarne Stroustrup (2012)"
  The best example of why I shouldn't be in marketing...
  I didn't have a good day when I named that
  A better name is probably:
  * Constructor Acquires, Destructor Releases
  * Scope Based Resource Management

The best example of why I shouldn’t be in marketing… I didn’t have a good day when I named that

A better name is probably:

  • Constructor Acquires, Destructor Releases

  • Scope Based Resource Management

    Bjarne Stroustrup (2012)


  ::: figure title="Microservice architecture vs monolithic architecture" \
    src="/til/microservice-architecture-01.webp" \
Microservice architecture vs monolithic architecture
Fig. 1 — Microservice architecture vs monolithic architecture


  ::: include bash src/static_src/til/
# Arquivo animate.gnuplot
plot sin(x+i*dt) w l lt 1 lw 1.5 title sprintf("t=%i",i)
if (i < n) reread
  ::: include 3 5 bash src/static_src/til/
if (i < n) reread
  ::: include 3 +2 bash src/static_src/til/
if (i < n) reread