Vim Spell Checking

navigate to next and previous misspelled word.
There are times when we edit prose in Vim,
such as in a project README
or Git commit message.
In those cases,
we can use Vim’s spell-checking to help us avoid embarrassing mistakes.
Switching on spell-checking
We can switch on spell checking with this command:
:setlocal spell
We can also specify the language:
:setlocal spell spelllang=en_us
What does it look like
Here’s a screenshot of what I see as I edit this blog post:
{{< img src=“images/vim-spell-check.webp” alt=“‘’” >}}
The highlighted words are considered misspellings.
Spell check per filetype
It would be tedious to manually turn on spell-checking each time we need it. Luckily, we can guess by convention that we’ll want to spell-check certain files.
We automatically turn on spell-checking for Markdown files based on their file
extension with this line in our ~/.vimrc
via thoughtbot/dotfiles:
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.md setlocal spell
Another way to do it for certain filetypes is like this:
autocmd FileType gitcommit setlocal spell
We get word completion for free
By turning on spell-checking in our ~/.vimrc
, we’ll be turning on word
completion as well. The following command will let us press CTRL-N
in insert-mode to complete the word we’re typing!
set complete+=kspell
Add words to the dictionary
We can add words like “RSpec” or “thoughtbot” to the spellfile
(a list of correctly-spelled words)
by cursoring over those words in a file and typing: